iPhone 14 Design – You want the GOOD or BAD News First?!

we just obtained a big flurry of apple iphone 14 pro leakages over the weekend that helped verify a great deal of the leakages and rumors that we just weren'' t certain concerning till this point consisting of records that the design is currently settled and we shouldn'' t see any more adjustments hereafter point which is great information and also now prior to i enter into the really fascinating information regarding which ports the apple iphone 14 pro is probably to come with let'' s initially enter what everyone'' s been speaking about over this weekend break and also that'' s the brand-new opening strike cutout show regarding a month as well as a half ago we began to see verification for the initial screen panel leakage from shrimp apple pro which showed 2 intermediaries changing the existing face id notch currently originally the suggestion was that the additional hole on the side would be unseen with part of the face id system shining through it under the display screen leaving a great pill-shaped intermediary perfectly focused in the center but that ended up getting exposed with some rumor confirmation which confirmation actually came from ross young that was a screen analyst with a 100 record in terms of apple leakages consisting of completely anticipating the display size of the ipad mini 6 as well as mini led and also professional movement coming to the new macbook pros on january 12th he said that this display panel leakage was real and also that the added hole strike would stay noticeable with a brand-new one-of-a-kind two-hole concept and also despite the fact that it looks a bit strange the idea is that it would certainly permit the iphone to remain to look entirely different from any other style available which is extremely vital to apple however what finished up occurring was that everybody on the internet started to create provides of this brand-new layout with hole punch intermediaries that were rather small as well as smooth however over this weekend we obtained a significant leak from a weibo source that entirely spoiled the event a screen schematic was dripped by a chinese source showing a much larger twin cutout than everybody expected however one of the most integral part is that it actually type of looks like maybe an official leaked schematic as well as even much better it was confirmed by numerous sources including john prosser that stated he was able to independently verify that this schematic is legitimate and that this was likely the dimension of the intermediaries now the strange thing is that the size doesn'' t truly match the original screen panel leak from shrimp apple pro who incidentally has actually been claiming that his panel leakage was from the rear end so it ought to actually be turned when on the iphone matching the cutout positioning of this new schematic leakage however the part that doesn'' t truly pair up is the dimension because the cutouts on the original display panel leakage appeared to be quite a little bit smaller than the ones on the new schematic and also fortunately shrimp apple pro sent out a newsletter on sunday to clarify the entire scenario with the dimension difference obviously back in august he said that the intermediaries will certainly be strangely big basically confirming these recent schematic leaks that look large and afterwards to discuss the difference in the sizes shrimp believes that this brand-new schematic is for the 6.1 inch iphone 14 professional version while his initial panel leak was for the bigger 6.7 inch design which is why the cutouts look smaller sized versus the larger screen so it appears like apple is going to be taking the simple route of tweaking the face id sensor system after that cutting openings around it as well as then removing the black paint of the current notch that we have which would certainly result in a design that resembles this which is precisely what i revealed you men in a video clip i made a month as well as a fifty percent ago with this really sloppy photoshop illustration as well as while a whole lot of you guys online aren'' t happy with the news of the intermediaries being bigger than expected i directly think it'' s gon na look great specifically on limit version which i like and it ' s gon na put the notch to shane and speaking of the notch shrimp verified that the brand-new intermediary design is only for the pro models while the normal 14 and 14 max models will certainly continue to feature the usual notch that we presently carry the 13 versions as well as this right below was really an old leak from ross young which he recently validated when again over the weekend but the most crucial confirmation that he provided us was that next year all four of the iphone 15 designs will feature this new twin hull style with any luck with smaller sized holes than we saw in this brand-new schematic but nevertheless this suggests that the notch will lastly be vanishing for excellent on the iphone so if you'' re planning on avoiding the iphone 14 this year next year is going to be incredible for the reduced end apple iphone 15 versions now that the notch is going to be gone and as far as 120 hertz professional motion technology ross young validated that for the iphone 15 lineup it'' s still just gon na get on the pro designs as well as not any of the lower end versions so i would still suggest choosing the pro models today because 120 hertz has actually been my preferred attribute so far with the 13 pro max now on top of all of these display and style leakages we also obtained some important leakages worrying the general functions and also the specifications for example we got a report from taiwan'' s financial daily information that the iphone 14 schedule must have better battery life thanks to a new 5g chip which will be created using tsmc'' s brand-new six nanometer process which is a lot more efficient yet in addition to that it additionally suggests that we must obtain less overheating while utilizing 5g which has been creating some issues with the existing apples iphone while running high efficiency jobs on 5g like video gaming however the part that i'' m really looking forward to is the enhancement of wi-fi 6e with the brand-new 6 gigahertz band which will certainly be a much bigger offer than the present wi-fi 6 which didn'' t actually appear to transform a lot in all going further we got some records from an oriental blogger that asserts that the iphone 14 pro will certainly include 8 gigabytes of ram this year and also this wants an analyst jeff poo said that we need to be obtaining 8 jobs so i'' m rather certain that this is gon na occur and also now one more leaked function that we lastly obtained some even more quality on is under display screen touch id which has been dripped for several years already and as you guys may understand i'' ve been saying that since apple permitted face id to deal with masks i truthfully wear'' t think that apple will certainly ever require under display screen touch id and also it appears like every one of the leakages are indicating this taking place to start with shrimp apple professional confirmed that touch id will not be coming on the iphone 14 which is something he'' s been stating since august as well as a lot more recently leakages apple pro has actually reported to eyedrop news that apple is no longer working on under display touch id for the iphone which essentially suggests that they'' re entirely junking this idea and also in my opinion this makes good sense due to the fact that face id is totally unique to apple there'' s essentially nothing around that'' s like it while under screen finger print scanners are almost everywhere so i think that apple is going to stick with face id for several years perhaps even decades as they improve on the innovation by including a lot more layers of safety and security currently ultimately the last thing i wish to speak about is the port scenario and also as you guys might understand i made a video a couple months back discussing why i think it makes good sense for the apple iphone 14 pro to find with usbc rather than lightning as well as within that video clip i made the very crucial point that when apple revealed lightning they said that it would be the port that they'' d usage for the following years and also guess what that was 10 years ago in 2012.

So this generally confirms that either this year or following year apple will certainly for certain be dumping lightning on the apple iphone and i personally assume it'' s mosting likely to be this year since they might also do it together with this new fold redesign especially considering that we'' re anticipated to get a 48 megapixel electronic camera on the pro designs for shooting 8k video so we'' re gon na need the faster transfer rates however considering that making that video apple has apparently ceased the apple iphone lightning dock which can be a significant tip that indicates them starting to ditch lightning entirely and despite the fact that the last thing minchiko said about usbc on the iphone was that apple would certainly be adhering to lightning for the near future that was really back in march of last year so perhaps things have actually altered as well as that is what i'' m directly expecting yet regardless of what occurs with the port the crucial thing is that the double cutout face id screen style is currently validated to be coming and also wrapped up as well as it'' s gon na aid the iphone look a great deal far better than before so ideally you guys enjoyed this video clip as well as if you did click that circle over to subscribe for more video clips like this one and also certainly inspect out some of those video clips right there consisting of the brand-new samsung s22 ultra comparisons many thanks for viewing and also we'' ll see you in the next video [Songs]

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